Partner Spotlight: Nickie Aughtry
We're excited to start a new series called "Partner Spotlight" to highlight and thank our wonderful partners, who make what we do possible. It was only fitting that we started with Fervent Fire Ministries' first partner, Nickie Aughtry.

Ms. Aughtry was born in Gainesville, Texas and grew up attending church. After high school, she went to major in merchandising at Texas Woman's University in Denton. She later moved to Tulsa, using her major by working in retail. It was while she was working at a department store in Tulsa that Ms. Aughtry met Scott and Christine Lovett, who worked with her. Recalling her time working with them, Ms. Aughtry said,"They were just so great. I said, 'Yeah, I think I want to stay involved with them.'"
Ms. Aughtry learned more about what Scott and Christine were called to do and in 1999 decided to contribute by partnering. "He and Christine were so excited about [the vision] and I said, 'Well, I think that's wonderful. It's ... their start and I wanna help them as much as I can.'"
Later on, Ms. Aughtry began to attend Real Church, which is a church functioning as an on-the-job training center for raising up five-fold ministers as part of Fervent Fire's vision, and of which Apostle Scott & Christine founded and oversee. At Real Church, five-fold ministry is both taught and practiced. "I was raised in a Methodist church and ... [five-fold ministry] was not something that was discussed that I remember. I will say this: I'm glad I'm learning this because ... I see, in my past, where some of the people were not doing this. I'm glad to have it. ... I wish I'd learned this way back and then I'd be more informed in the Bible."
Ms. Aughtry has a tremendous concern for the state of the church and the next generation. "I've really thought about this because it's scary to think that there's so many churches that … well, I'll use an example. There's a church over by where I live that was going strong, and then the congregation kept dwindling and they had to close. … I think this has always bothered me, that rather than – is it the parents that are not helping their children, grandchildren, and seeking the spiritual life, or [something else]? ... It's scary to me. That, you know, the congregations are … getting smaller."
Her concern is a part of the reason she appreciates Fervent Fire Ministries and the five-fold ministry teaching that is going forth. "I think that is going to help … the people who are coming in to the church. They are going to learn more." She also greatly values True Foundation Learning Center, as it is raising up young people in Godly principles through education, as well as the ministry school that is planned and being prepared for.
To anyone considering becoming a partner with Fervent Fire, Ms. Aughtry says, "Go for it! To me, I will make my pledge to Fervent Fire – I'll be perfectly honest – before any other charity. This is very important to me. So, it is number one on my list of organizations ... to contribute to."
Nickie Aughtry has been an integral part of Real Church since she started attending and a valued partner of Fervent Fire Ministries from the beginning. "I'm so happy that I met Christine and Scott way back when because … I feel like they're family to me."
If you'd like to become a part of the Fervent Fire Ministries family, like Nickie Aughtry, you can donate or learn about partnership here. We're so thankful for people just like Ms. Aughtry who see the vision and want to help it advance through their faithful partnership.