Our Mission
To provide education promoting Christian character to leaders having a heart for Christ and an intensity of purpose concerning the Christ given callings. Training and resourcing tested leaders that desire the Biblical structures of church government that enables full growth of Christ like members, community ministries, and local churches.
The Vision
Christian leaders set ablaze with the Bible principles of church government that spark character, calling, and the fulfillment of the Father's will by achieving Christ centered purpose.
Vision in View
Spirit filled leaders of character from all generations fanning the Gospel flames and gathering the harvest.
How do we fulfill the mission?
Revival Fire
Since 1996, Scott C. Lovett has been reviving congregations across America. With a direct and powerful message to the Church, he speaks under the passion and boldness of the Holy Spirit. Under the direction of the Holy Spirit, he has spoken into the lives of thousands, laid hands on the multitudes for the healing of sickness and disease, stood in agreement with those longing for the infilling of the Holy Spirit, and has released words of faith over a multitude of ministries and ministers.
With a powerful anointing of worship warfare, he and his wife, Christine, open the heavens with power-filled songs of praise. Now they are assisted in their efforts with a multiude of specifically-called ministers and worshipers who war with them for a release of revival to fall across this great nation. Whether you long for an evangelistic outreach, prophetic impartation, or a powerful teaching word to impact your church, FFM is waiting to help you do battle in the heavens that calls the demonic spirits into submission, and causes people to be set free to serve in the Kingdom of God.
Fellowship of Flames
Fellowship of Flames is an alliance of pre-established churches and ministries that have come together to provoke one another to continue in the faith by obeying the Word of Truth, walking in the Spirit, and bearing the fruit of God which leads to maturity. FFM works with theses various churches and organizations by establishing Biblical structure and providing useful materials and services. The goal is to help the local assembly with all the streams of ministry and provide consultation in areas of outreach ministries, marketing, and the work of the ministry. FFM uses all of our talents and abilities to encourage, build up, and establish the bride of Christ. FFM will assist with revivals, seminars, conferences and church meetings. These entities will come together for Group Fellowship, Conference events, and Equip Leadership Conferences. Each local body is encouraged to allow the body to function in all the ministry areas required by Scripture. FFM is willing to assist local leadership in any area expecting God to fill each assembly with body believers who will grow personally and reach the community and beyond.
Fire Starters
Fire starters is a program provided through the support of Fervent Fire Ministries, Fervent Fire Productions, Fervent Fire partners, the Fellowship of Flames. and the Real Church congregation. The Fire Starters program requires training and personal responsibility of future leadership to understand and act on the Scriptural requirements that bring growth in a leaders life both naturally and spiritually. Once the training is complete and a leader shows desire and takes action upon the Scripture thereby proving the desire to live by faith. FFM will assist a group of leaders in the establishment of a new congregational work. FFM will walk hand in hand with such individuals providing assistance with initial funding and setup costs for the founding and start up of a Biblically structured church or ministry cooperating with a preestablished church. FFM will provide education in advertising and media, curriculum and materials, sound equipment and other aspects involved establishing a local congregation. The leadership will be given guidance and support. In exchange for these services the new work would agree to help FFM help others by contributing and joining in the effort to fulfill the vision of planting other churches and raising up other ministers.
Future Fire
While Fervent Fire recognizes the desperate need of current leadership to be trained and sent forth, we must not be short sighted concerning those called in future generations. It was in Samuel's youth that he heard God's voice, it was in David's youth where he learned to wrestle with a bear, it was in King Josiah's youth that God preserved him to be used to take down Athaliah. When God spoke to Abraham he told him that the children of future generations are the stars. In fact, children are the inheritance we leave the Lord. While He has no need of material possessions He has great need of future leaders to speak to the coming generations. Each year Fervent Fire focuses on the training of future generations. At Real Church, we give every child the opportunity of an intimate relationship and experience with God. We even open up specific services allowing the young to speak and minister in the various callings of ministry. Fervent Fire reaches out across our nation to allow young people to attend the Mission Possible youth camp. For deeper educational training we are intricately involved in the development and support of True Foundation, a principle approach school that is training students by calling a generation of future leaders to Rethink, Relearn, and Reclaim their God given purpose and right to fulfill God's will and plan. God has ordained young people to become Kingdom leaders and it is our job to give them the principles to stand on in future generations.