FarmYard Insights
By Glenn Edwards Walking with God in a Tumultuous World You might ask, where do crisis and calamity come from? What a question, right?...
Farmyard Insights
By Glenn Edwards The Pain of Persistence and The Joy of Relationship When I was a youth, I used to train dogs and horses. Animals have...
Farmyard Insights
By Glenn Edwards Eagles and Turkeys: When I attended Agriculture School, we learned that soil and dirt were not the same thing. I thought...
Farm Yard Insights
Surrender: The Secret to Faith That Works
I am a fan of early Western movies. Sometime back Kelly, my wife, and I watched a movie entitled
Farmyard Insights
By Glenn Edwards The Value of “How-To’s” for Life: (Not Formulas) With the advent of social media, just ask Google, 24-hour news...
The Tithe Conversion (Part 4)
by John Holler The Church to Gather and Distribute The Giving Now concerning the collection for the saints, as I have given order to the...
The Tithe Conversion (Part 3)
by John Holler Living A Lie When the nature of God is manifested in a person, the care for others will ALWAYS supersede the love of self....
Farmyard Insights
by Glenn Edwards The Word of Reconciliation: Thanks to a praying mom, our whole family was persuaded to attend a Charismatic Camp (CFO –...
Farmyard Insights
By Glenn Edwards Keys to Relationships: Growing up in the 1950s and 1960s, on my father's grain and dairy farm, I was isolated from many...
The Tithe Conversion (Part 2)
by John Holler Perfect Standards The truth of the matter is this; the standard is not lower in the New Testament - it is higher. The...