Illuminating Fire to Return in August

We're excited to start Illuminating Fire again August 26th - 28th! This month, we will have special guests John Davis and James Feltner with services at 7pm nightly and a special Sunday morning service on the 28th at 10am.

We'll be hearing from John Davis on August 26th and 27th at 7pm and August 28th at 10am. He has traveled the nations for over 40 years in revival ministry. John Davis has most recently traveled as the Ambassador for the Pensacola Outpouring.

On August 28th at 7pm, James Feltner will be sharing with us. James Feltner and his wife, Chyrel, have founded and pastored many churches, which they have been doing for over 20 years. The Feltners minister in the Word of God and singing.
The previous Illuminating Fire revival services were fantastic, with the powerful presence of the Holy Spirit. You can check out old streams and some great pictures on this page. We're expecting mighty moves of God at the end of this month! Anyone in the Tulsa area can join us at Real Church, 315 S. Sheridan Rd., Tulsa, OK 74112 for this event. If you're not in the area, you can join us for online streaming here. Please come with a heart and mind to experience the power of God!