A New Book by
Scott C. Lovett
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Change a Nation by Changing a Person
The Lord gave the word: great [was] the company of those that published [it].Psalm 68:11
This book is published by people like you, who want to see people set free from deception and the tyranny of manipulation, and changed for God’s glory. If you received a copy as a gift, someone thought it was important enough to provide access for you by purchasing it and passing that access on to you.
If you purchased this book for yourself, we thank you. If this book blessed you, instructed you, or opened your eyes to truth, publish it for other people, so they can receive the blessing as well. When you publish you purchase discounted copies for your friends, family, neighbors, church, co-workers, and even your enemies. We offer both digital and audio copies.
It is up to the saints to publish the Word of the Lord. It is up to you to declare His works among men. Pass this word along so that we can all return to the unity of the faith and knowledge of the Son of God - the fulness of the measure of the stature of Christ (Ephesians 4:13) and become, once more, one nation, under God.
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