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Salvation for Thousands

Salvation For Thousands

Salvation For Thousands

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 The end of prayer is the conversion of men and women to Christ.

     The end of prayer is where we started – we will  see souls gloriously brought into fellowship

with God through Jesus Christ. Sinners will fall to their knees and cry out to be saved. Unbelievers will be convicted, confess Jesus as Lord and follow Him. With every prayer, there must be corresponding action on our part. While those who intercede may not always have the privilege of being the direct means of the conversion of everyone for which they pray, it would be foolish for them not to actively seek to encounter the one for whom we pray. Every individual should look for the souls that are the answer to their prayers, expecting to be the vessel that God uses for someone’s salvation.


     Teams of evangelists should join with those who intercede and use the prayers of the saints to aid them in their endeavors. When an intercessor feels the release of a soul, anticipation and expectation should fill the evangelists with confidence that their ministry will be fruitful, resulting in a soul being brought into their church. Teachers should prepare to train the new converts, not in religion, but in how to commune with God and please Him; how to follow Him and walk as He walked. Prophets should be ready to speak into the lives of those who need a word in due season and correct the hidden motives of the heart, guiding them on the straight path to Zion. Apostles should anticipate the new, living, radiant churches that will be planted as the abundant life outgrows the confines of a location and God calls up others to a new work. Truthfully, a church that has no newly converted souls coming in from the labor and prayers of the saints combined with the efforts of the evangelists is a dead church; it is a dead womb with no life being produced.


     When those who desire to accomplish this act on God’s word, churches will be converted from a collection of people following a ritualistic set of methods designed to keep those who are barely saved committed to a God which they rarely actually contact, to a vibrant, unified, cohesive body, growing in the Spirit of God and teaching others to do the same. We must relearn the ways that “progressive” and “seeker-friendly” programs have thrown down. We must return to a life of unashamed holiness and unshakeable faith in the power of God to do the impossible. Nothing is more impossible with man than the salvation of the soul. But what is impossible with man is possible with God, and remains possible to all those who believe His Word alone.

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